Watch Exaella (2011) : Full Movies Free Streaming Online It all happened in one of the safest Somniupolis of the planet, inside one of the best-equipped and reliable mega-complexes - "Xonasu Area." As in the very beginning, and in the last few decades, all the systems had operated in nominal mode until the satellite network transferred an array of unclassified data to the central analytical cluster. According to the guidelines, the data were immediately isolated and sent to be re-evaluated in order to classify the registered events and to develop further options for protective and preventive efforts. A few days later, the tranquility of the sleeping "Xonasu" was torn apart by sharp, blazing fragments of multiple meteors. The area around the "Xonasu" faltered - a wave of interruptions and failures rapidly swept through the heart of its systems ... and one of the errors launched the sequence to awake the Supreme Operator of Xonasu. A little later - all was quiet and still.